Course curriculum

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    • A Welcome from Bridge the Gap Directors

    • Bridge the Gap CIC Services

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    What is anxiety?

    • Anxiety Explained

    • What is Anxiety?

    • Emotional Development

    • Build Better Brains - Child Development Video by the NSPCC

    • Worry or Anxiety?

    • The Stages of Anxiety

    • Generalised Anxiety

    • Separation Anxiety

    • Graded Exposure Therapy

    • Social Anxiety

    • Post Pandemic - Social Anxiety

    • Phobias

    • Panic and Panic Disorder

    • Panic Attacks

    • Panic Attack Tip

    • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD

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    Talking to Children with Anxiety

    • What Not to Say to an Anxious Child

    • Empathy - Brene Brown

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    Talking to Children About Anxiety

    • Talking to children about anxiety

    • When I Get Worried

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    Supporting children to problem solve their worries

    • Processing Worry

    • Look at the worry through a different lens download

    • Worry Web download

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    When to Access Support...

    • Warning Signs

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    Coping Strategies for anxiety

    • How can we support children who are anxious?

    • Different Coping Tools

    • Brainstem Calmers

    • Growth Mindset - I can!

    • Relaxation Kits

    • Relaxation Kit Information and Activity

    • Relaxation Kits - Informal Chat to Children Filmed in Lockdown

    • Coping guide - help your child fill this in with their ideas of coping strategies

    • Grounding ideas worksheet - stick on the fridge, cupboard door or bedroom wall to remind yourself of ideas

    • An idea to practice grounding

    • Guided Imagery - a video on how to use this with your child

    • Practicing Gratitude ......

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    Emotional Literacy

    • What is Emotional Literacy

    • Emotional Literacy - Why and How

    • Creating a Safe Emotional Space

    • Link to a video explaining useful Emotional Literacy Resources delivered by Jennifer Wyman

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    • What is anxiety quiz?

    • Summary - Important Reminder!