Course curriculum

  • 1

    An introduction

    • NOTICE

    • About the course

    • Who are Bridge the Gap?

    • What to expect from the course...

  • 2

    Understanding the Why?

    • Why are children struggling?

    • Reflection Point

    • Emotional Development

    • Prime Areas of Learning and Development

    • Building Better Brains by the NSPCC

    • The Amygdala Hijack

    • The Anger Iceberg

    • Your Anger Iceberg

    • Implode and Explode

    • Test your Learning

  • 3

    Creating a Safe Emotional Space

    • Emotion Coaching

    • Active Listening

    • Boundaries

    • Boundaries Summary and Reflection

    • Reflection Point

    • Rapport Steps

    • Consistent Responder

    • Empathy

    • The 70/30 Rule

  • 4

    Relationship Focused Strategies that Support

    • Safe 8 Touches

    • The Power of Ten

    • Time

  • 5

    Screen Time and Sleep

    • Screen Time Quiz

    • Screen Time

    • Screen Time - What to Do

    • Reflection Point

    • Tips to Support around Screen Time

    • Sleep - Introduction

    • The Golden Hour

    • Sleep Case Study

    • Evening Checklist - Video and Download

    • Reflection Point

  • 6

    Social Media: The Impact

    • The Pro's of Social Media

    • The Con's of Social Media

    • Signs that Social Media is Impacting your Mental Health

    • Reflection Point

    • Social Media Filters Quiz - Are the photo's filtered or reality?

    • Reflection Point - Memes

    • Understanding Sexting

    • Talking to a Child about Sexting

    • NSPCC Leaflet - Further support on sexting.

  • 7


    • Anxiety Explained

    • What is Anxiety?

    • Worry or Anxiety?

    • The Stages of Anxiety

    • Generalised Anxiety

    • Separation Anxiety

    • Graded Exposure Therapy

    • Social Anxiety

    • Phobias

    • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD

    • Panic and Panic Disorder

    • Panic Attacks

    • Panic Attack Tip

    • Reflection Point

    • What Not to Say to an Anxious Child

    • Talking to Children about Anxiety

    • Processing Worry

    • Brainstem Calmers

    • Long and Short Term Coping Strategies for Anxiety

    • An idea to practice grounding

    • Relaxation Kits

    • Reflection Point

  • 8

    Warning Signs and Crisis Support

    • Responding to Children's Difficult Thoughts

    • Why Children Self-harm

    • Responding to Self-harm - A Video by Young Minds

    • Supporting a Child in Crisis

    • Warning Signs

    • Anxiety Warning Signs

  • 9

    Emotional Literacy

    • Copy of What is Emotional Literacy

    • Copy of Emotional Literacy - Why and How

    • Copy of Creating a Safe Emotional Space

    • Copy of Authentic Resilience

  • 10


    • Introduction to Self-esteem

    • Ideas to Raise Self-esteem

    • Growth Mindset - I can!

    • Affirmations for Children

    • Affirmations for Children Download

  • 11


    • Summary

Thinking about it?

Unlock the essential insights and proactive strategies needed to safeguard your child's mental well-being with our transformative course, empowering parents since 2017 to make a lasting difference in their children's lives.

  • Information that makes a difference...

    Delve into the underlying reasons behind the present crisis and discover effective strategies to nurture your child's mental well-being proactively.

  • Our curriculum...

    Our comprehensive curriculum addresses various facets of well-being, from sleep management and emotional regulation to navigating the online realm and social media challenges. Learn about anxiety, self-harm, coping mechanisms, and relationship-focused approaches aimed at fostering open communication with your child.

  • Icon & text

    Empower yourself to support your child's mental health both now and in the future.